What is Iyengar Yoga?
Less known than Hatha or Ashtanga, Iyengar Yoga is a great gateway to discovering the practice. Like other types of yoga, it focuses on strengthening and balancing the body as well as on concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana) to achieve better integration of body and mind and deeper spiritual insight.
Created by B.K.S Iyengar and outlined in his book "Light on Yoga," this form of postural yoga is based on the in-depth practice of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing) and is characterized by attention to the alignment of different parts of the body in space. The use of props (such as straps, blocks, or bars) makes these postures accessible, regardless of age, physical condition, or level of ability.

The Benefits of Iyengar Yoga
This method not only allows for safer practice but also leads to notable improvements in flexibility and strength. Each posture is held for a longer period compared to other types of yoga, promoting deep introspection and enhanced concentration. Combined with breathing, the different posture variations circulate energy and bring a sense of well-being and joy.
Sylviane Goyens de Heusch, Studio Coordinator at Aspria Royal La Rasante, is a convinced practitioner who explains: “Iyengar Yoga is the ideal method for beginners. The props help to correctly align the body without injury. For experienced yogis, it is also an opportunity to correct certain postures to achieve proper alignment and optimal energy flow.”
The benefits of this discipline are numerous. Sylviane continues: “Physically, Iyengar Yoga improves balance, strengthens deep muscles, and enhances coordination. This form of yoga also helps relieve various chronic ailments such as back pain. Mentally, regular practice helps manage stress better and promotes deep relaxation.”
Learn More
Iyengar Yoga classes are held at Aspria Royal La Rasante. They are accessible to everyone, whether you are a beginner or experienced.
Many other forms of yoga are available at Aspria clubs in Brussels. Discover the group class timetables:
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