New social & coworking hub.

Aspria Arts-Loi Swimming

A Haven For Swimmers

A Haven For Swimmers

A light-filled indoor pool with wood panelling. For fitness, relaxation and pool-based classes.

Immaculate facilities and coaching for all levels, from young children to experienced adults.

21m indoor pool

21m indoor pool

Expert Coaching

Expert Coaching

Learn the basics or finesse your technique. Our highly qualified coaches can support you through every stroke.

Children's Swimming Lessons

Children's Swimming Lessons

Our highly qualified coaches can support your children’s swimming technique, from complete beginners to confident swimmers.

Space to relax

Space to relax

Poolside areas with loungers to unwind.

What would you like to do today?

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3-month flexible membership

3-month flexible membership

When you join in January

*Terms and conditions apply

brussels Arts-Loi

Rue de l'Industrie 26

1040 Brussels

Brussels, Belgium



Monday - Friday: 06:30 - 22:30

Saturday & Sunday: 09:00 - 19:00

Belgian public holidays: 09:00 - 19:00

Club closes at 16:00 on 24th & 31st December

Club closed on 25th December


Monday - Friday: 10:00 - 21:00

Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00


Reception: +32 2 508 08 00

Membership: +32 2 508 08 12

L'Institut - Spa: +32 2 508 08 00