Health and Wellbeing

The chemistry of wellbeing

The chemistry of wellbeing


One of the keys to your wellbeing lies in the delicate balance between the levels of cortisol and endorphins in your body. Put simply, these biochemical compounds orchestrate your physical and mental balance. With so much depending on them, it’s only right we learn a little about them. Here is our very quick guide on how you can achieve a healthy balance.

Stress hormones

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Its very significant role is to prepare the body to react to an imminent threat – and because it is released in response to stressful situations, cortisol is often dubbed the "stress hormone".

In excess, it can wreak havoc, causing insomnia, weight gain, high blood pressure and weakened immune function. Which means it is essential you learn to control your cortisol levels – through relaxation techniques. Learning to better manage your response to stress will in turn protect your body.

Happiness hormones

Endorphins are natural peptides produced by the body, and their effects are similar to morphine. Nicknamed the "happy hormones", they are released in response to a wide range of stimuli - from physical activity and laughter to the sweetness of chocolate or passionate embraces.

Endorphins alleviate pain and offer feelings of contentment or even euphoria – making them a very effective remedy against stress and anxiety.

A question of balance

So how do you ensure these two compounds are consistently at optimal levels? Well, as we’ve seen, relaxation decreases your cortisol, and regular exercise stimulates the production of endorphins – so our recommendation is to combine these two types of activities and incorporate them into your daily routine.

Of course, depending on your preferences, this can range from an intense strength training followed by a massage that releases all your tension - to breathing techniques and yoga group classes that help you reset after long days at the office. Luckily, you can do all this and more in the comfort of our clubs. Try a variety of sports and training options and go with the one that feels right for you. And remember to complement this with moments of calm that help you restore your energy.

Immerse yourself in wellbeing

When it comes to recovery and relaxation, wellness experiences can be highly effective options.  At their very core, they are based around a simple principle, that of the four natural elements - fire, air, water and earth – which, according to Aristotle, are combined into the elementary qualities of heat, cold, dryness and humidity.

To begin with, one key aspect of water is its soothing quality. Whether you are swimming or simply letting yourself be carried away, getting massaged by hydro-jets or perhaps rocked by a jacuzzi, water offers a sense of tranquillity, allowing you to regain your clarity and vigour.

For those looking for a more intense experience, we recommend stepping into the sauna or perhaps the hammam. The dry heat of the sauna and the damp heat of the hammam help to relieve muscular tension and promote overall relaxation – meaning they can effectively support your post-workout recovery.

For a swift burst of energy, also incorporate cold experiences into the mix. For instance, head to our ice fountain right after you step out of the sauna, for a healthy dose of thermal contrast.

Ultimately, whatever activities you choose to combine, aim to find a balance between effort and rest, between adrenaline highs and mindfulness. For more training and relaxation inspiration, explore everything our clubs have to offer at the links below.

Royal La Rasante


Avenue Louise